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Carpet Beetles

Get help with Carpet Beetles

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Carpet Beetles Dangerous?

Carpet Beetles are not directly dangerous to humans, as they do not bite or sting. However, they can cause significant damage to fabrics, carpets, and other household items, leading to costly replacements. In some cases, their hairs can cause allergic reactions or dermatitis in sensitive individuals.

Why do I have a Carpet Beetle problem?

Carpet Beetles are attracted to homes and properties that offer suitable food sources for their larvae. Dirty carpets, pet hair, old fabrics, and improperly stored clothing can all contribute to a Carpet Beetle infestation.

Where will I find Carpet Beetles?

Carpet Beetles can be found both indoors and outdoors. Indoors, they are typically found in carpets, upholstered furniture, closets, and storage areas containing fabrics. Outdoors, they can be found in birds' nests, on flowers, or in gardens.

How do I get rid of Carpet Beetles?

To get rid of Carpet Beetles, you should first locate and remove the source of the infestation, such as infested fabrics or carpets. Regular vacuuming, steam cleaning, and proper storage of clothing and fabrics are essential. For severe infestations, a professional pest control service is recommended.

How can I prevent Carpet Beetles?

Preventing Carpet Beetles involves maintaining a clean and clutter-free home, inspecting and cleaning fabrics regularly, and using airtight containers for storage. Additionally, use window screens to prevent adult beetles from entering your home. Regularly inspect your property for signs of Carpet Beetle activity and address any issues promptly.

Why Magna Pest Solutions is the best at helping with Carpet Beetles

Magna Pest Solutions is your trusted expert for Carpet Beetle control. Our skilled technicians use the latest techniques and products to effectively eliminate Carpet Beetle infestations and prevent future problems. With our comprehensive approach, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is protected from Carpet Beetles and other pests.

What are Carpet Beetles

Carpet Beetles (Family Dermestidae) are small, oval-shaped insects that can cause significant damage to fabrics, carpets, and other household items. Adult Carpet Beetles are typically 2-5mm long and can be black, brown, or mottled with a variety of colors. The larvae, also known as "woolly bears," are responsible for the majority of the damage, as they feed on a wide range of organic materials, including wool, fur, silk, and feathers.

The Magna Method

We take pride in the Magna Method - our proprietary approach to pest control that emphasizes thoroughness and attention to detail. We carefully inspect each property to identify the source of the pest problem and develop a customized treatment plan that's tailored to your specific needs. Our goal is to provide the most detailed service possible and ensure that your pest problem is resolved quickly and effectively.

Our Commitment to Our Clients

At Magna Pest Solutions, we understand that you have a choice when it comes to pest control services. That's why we go above and beyond to provide the highest level of service and expertise. Whether you're dealing with a minor pest problem or a full-blown infestation, we're here to help.


Our professional fleet and dress reflect our commitment to professionalism and attention to detail. We know that the little things matter, and we want you to feel confident in our team's ability to provide the best possible service.

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